
Matt and Randi Scanlon have been picking up meals at Encanto Elementary for their three-year-old twins, who attend the Little Big Minds Preschool, since schools shut down in mid-March. 

Matt had to close his small business because of COVID 19, and Randi, a flight attendant, has been off work since June 2019, when she was injured on the job. 

The family, who until just recently lived very comfortably, are now living on two-thirds of Randi’s regular pay, the amount she receives through workers’ compensation. 

Matt and Randi work hard to cut their expenses. “Because of the school lunch program, we have been able to reduce our food budget to $400 a month,” Randi said. “This is important because the boys have feeding issues and need ongoing occupational therapy. The money we save on buying food, we use to pay for therapy for the boys.” 

The family is careful with the food they receive through the school lunch program. The boys will share one apple at lunch, and another apple is baked at dinner for dessert. Matt and Randi once purchased 21 half gallons of milk each month, but now they get enough milk cartons from the boys grab-and-go lunches and save $80 each month.  

The family does not know what the future holds. Matt says, “As a recruiter, my business was booming before COVID 19—I had people lined up for jobs. Now, I am the one looking for a job, and so far, I have a 100% denial rate on any job searches.”  

Matt and Randi and doing everything they can to get by, and their families have stepped in to help out. Matt applied for a CARES Act loan but has yet to hear back. Randi worries that the airline she works for will shut down in October and she will be laid off.  “We are grateful that the boys attend the Encanto Little Big Minds pre-school,” Randi said. “The lunches have truly helped us get through these uncertain times.”
