
Interested in where your donations go? Curious about our financial position? Help from generous supporters like you make it possible for AzFBN (formerly the Association of Arizona Food Banks, or AAFB) to assist communities throughout Arizona.

Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Financial Statement and IRS Form 990:

Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Financial Statement, IRS Form 990, and accomplishments:

Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Financial Statement and 990:

Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Financial Statement and 990:
Fiscal Year 2018-19 Financial Statement and 990:

Fiscal Year 2017-18 Financial Statement and 990:

Fiscal Year 2016-17 Financial Statement & 990:

Fiscal Year 2015-16 Financial Statement & 990:

Fiscal Year 2014-15 Financial Statement & 990:

Fiscal Year 2013-14 Financial Statement & 990:

AzFBN on Guidestar:

  • Guidestar: an online resource that collects and  provides information on non-profit organizations that advances transparency, enables users to make better decisions, and encourages charitable giving. 

Looking for older 990s? Contact us and we will be happy to make them available.
