
You can receive a tax credit for your donation! Under Arizona law (A.R.S. § 43-1088(G)(2), AzFBN is recognized as a Qualifying Charitable Organization (QCO), QCO code 20527. You may be eligible to receive a FULL ARIZONA STATE TAX CREDIT, up to $421 (filing as a single unmarried head of household) or $841 (married filing joint return) for donating to AzFBN.

See www.azdor.gov for more details, or call 602-255-3381 or 1-800-843-7196 from area codes 520 or 928. Consult your tax preparer for specific advice regarding your donation. Please note that the qualifying total contribution amount was adjusted from $400 and $800 during August 2023, but this change is reflected for the whole year of 2023. 

You do NOT need to itemize to take advantage of this credit on your Arizona State Taxes!

Another Option: If you are at least 70 1/2 years young, you may qualify to donate from your IRA without triggering tax consequences when you transfer funds directly.  Again, consult your tax preparer or financial advisor for specific advice.
